Thursday, October 8, 2009

Leftist, Statist or anti-Realist?

I have been thinking a lot today about a post from my friend and, dare I say, blogging mentor, who can be found at He copied a great article by Steven Malanga (Manhattan Institute) called "Tax the Rich? How's that Working?" I won't get into the argument, as it makes sense to anyone that is considered "rich" who wonders a) where their tax dollars are going and b) whether they should move to a state that won't try to take away everything they have (friends in California, New Jersey and New York know what I am talking about). He also mentioned how various authors are now starting to describe the more pro-government folks as "statists" or "interventionists" rather than as the "left" or the "right". My friend then goes on to describe the dichotomy as "pro-reality" or "anti-reality". Very thoughtful and thought-provoking.

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